The initial title can be found by opening the MainMenu.nib file in Interface Builder (use Show Package Contents on TextMate and navigate to Contents → Resources → English.lproj).
those which change title depending on the programs state (like Fold Current Block / Selection) should be specified with their initial title. Only key bindings which include the command modifier (⌘) will work.ĭynamic menu items i.e. This is done by pressing the plus button on the left side below the list on the Keyboard Shortcuts page, which displays the sheet shown below. From here it is possible to change key bindings for either all applications or particular applications based on the menu items title. Menu items can be edited via System Preferences → Keyboard & Mouse. Each of these actions has a key equivalent and an associated scope selector which can be edited from the bundle editor. and can all be found in the bundle editor (Window → Show Bundle Editor). Bundle Itemsīundle items are commands, snippets, macros, language grammars, templates etc. There are basically three types of actions in TextMate and each has its own system when it comes to key bindings (yes, this is not ideal).